Introducing Calmscient

Experiencing the Future of Integrated Behavioral Health Care

Explore our innovative technology bridging the gap between primary care and behavioral health.

Calmscient Overview

Our Customers Include:

Healthcare Providers

Health Plans


Current Challenges for Healthcare Providers

Individuals experiencing symptoms of depression experience 3x as many chronic physical conditions as the general population.

Up to 45% of patients that visit their primary care professional have Medically Unexplained Symptoms (MUS).
According to recent studies, primary care physicians prescribe 70-80% of all antidepressant medications in the United States.

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Current Health Plan Challenges

Half the population of the United States (150 million people) live in federally designated mental health professional shortage areas. The only medical assistance available to people living in these areas come from government funded public health agencies.

High, out-of-pocket costs for behavioral health services, including elevated copayments and deductibles, make it challenging for patients to afford necessary treatment. Additionally, many telemedicine consultations are designated as out of network visits.

There is limited coverage and access to Behavioral Health services, such as mental health and alcohol / substance use treatment.  Moreover, patients often face long wait times due to shortages of available Behavioral Health specialists.

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Current Challenges facing Patients

Lenghy wait times to receive behavioral health care support lead to poorer health outcomes and increase the potential of a mental health crisis.

A growing need for comprehensive physical and mental healthcare support, including lifestyle modifications, alcohol/substance use support, daily reminders, and practical life skills.

Limited access to behavioral health care and high transportation costs for patients living in rural areas.

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